About Rob

  • My name is Rob Bergman. I have the most beautiful wife in the world, Rachel and 2 amazing kids, Caden and Claire. I am a pastor at a church called Windsor Crossing. Although I say some pretty awesome things here, it doesn't necessarily reflect the views of The Crossing.

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    February 26, 2009


    Eric Ketzer

    Hey Rob,

    My name is Eric Ketzer, and I am a Manager with Charter Communications. Now that was a good read, but can you please tell Mike to be nicer to our Agents, she was just trying to get him into the best package for his family, dog included...LOL Just Kidding; I will pass this along to our Chat Manager.

    If you (or Mike) need any questions answered, please let me know.

    Thanks, Eric


    That was funny. The comment, too! What do you mean "nicer"? I used to work on the phones and the internet at a catalog company. A conversation like that would have made my day.


    How did he find this? The internet is so creepy sometimes. Well I better go, the interweb has been closed for almost an hour and half.


    dude... I read this on my phone on an airplane and laughed out loud multiple times. Mike is one funny dude.


    OMG! I did a google search to see how much BASIC cable is. Came across tis and peed my pants laughing. LOVE IT!

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    CVW Kelly : Hello, this is Kelly. Thanks for contacting Charter. How may I help you today?

    mike mike: Where can I find info online about the $9.99 basic cable deal that has been advertised? My zip is 63011

    CVW Kelly : I’ll be happy to help you with information on our cable services. We can make sure we have the right package for you and if you wish, set up an install. Can I have your first and last name please?

    mike mike: No. Can you just give me a link?

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