I said goodbye to this little blog of mine a few months ago. Not sure if I am coming out of retirement, but things in the ol' noggin seem to be stirring a bit.
So let's talk about the iPad. Yeah...I haven't blogged in months and I want to talk about the iPad? Yep.
I can't figure out if I actually want one of these for all of the same reasons other people can't figure it out. Do I really NEED one? Is it really all that functional? What would I really use it for? Isn't it a bit pricey?
Perspective is always fun when it comes to these sorts of things. Below you'll find a few things written on a Mac Forum when the iPod was coming out in 2001.
-iPoop... iCry. I was so hoping for something more.
-Great just what the world needs, another freaking MP3 player. Go Steve!
-I still can't believe this! All this hype for something so ridiculous! Who cares about an MP3 player? I want something new! I want them to think differently! Why oh why would they do this?! It's so wrong! It's so stupid!
-$400 for an Mp3 Player! I'd call it the Cube 2.0 as it wont sell, and be killed off in a short time...and it's not really functional.
-I don't know if I'm really going to stand in line to buy it, I have a cd walkman and a burner already.
Almost exact parallels to criticisms about the iPad.
-who needs another ebook reader?
-$400 seems a bit steep.
-I already have a laptop and a smart phone, why do I need this as well?